Our Vision

We aspire to be the global steel industry benchmark for Value Creation and Corporate Citizenship. Our vision is to participate consistently in extending our generation limits and expanding our production capacities with a specific end goal to meet the epidemically developing worldwide demand and therefore hold our position at the front of the Iron & steel business.

Our Mission

Our mission is to deliver and supply the most noteworthy quality products to our clients utilizing sustainable procedures that meet the most elevated global standards of environmental control.

We trust that profoundly talented and motivated employees are the way to accomplishing our goals and we will keep on providing outstanding training and investment in their future.

Technology & Systems

JG Foundry always looks to adopt / upgrade with modern day systems for effective and efficient management of its operations.

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Large Capacity

JG Foundry is empowered with large production & servicing capabilities, presently pegged at 3.4 lac tonnes per annum at the Patna plant

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Customer Services

JG Foundry can provide wide range of services to customers and is flexible to work under different business models, like Job Work service

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Obtained Environmental Clearance from SEIAA Bihar vide F. No. SIA/3(a)/449/17 dt. 24.08.2018 with Total Capacity (MS Billet):- 76800 MT/Annum


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