About Us

J G Foundry Limited is a Public incorporated
on 02 April 1991.

The plant is located on a plot of 4 bighas at Chimochak, Didarganj, Patna City, Distt. Patna, 18 Km. away from Patna. The nearest railway station is Patna Saheb, 5 Km away from the site, is on the main line of Eastern Railway.The site is connected with National Highway (NH-30) through a pitch road. The site is ideally located and is in close proximity to source of main raw material and major consumers. Being located in Patna It has the advantage of easy availability of raw materials.

The company has all required constructions like Lean to shed over furnace platform, Furnace working Platform, Control Room, Central Stores etc. It has pucca constructed double storied Office building and double storied Labor quarters.The plant functions in 3 shifts with 70—80 personnel including workers out of sanctioned capacity of 100.

Sanctioned capacity 76,800 MT/ year.

  • Quality Control System , 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
  • Unrivalled Workmanship, Professional and Qualified
  • Environmental Sensitivity, Personalised Solutions

Technology & Systems

JG Foundry always looks to adopt / upgrade with modern day systems for effective and efficient management of its operations.

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Large Capacity

JG Foundry is empowered with large production & servicing capabilities, presently pegged at 3.4 lac tonnes per annum at the Patna plant

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Customer Services

JG Foundry can provide wide range of services to customers and is flexible to work under different business models, like Job Work service

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Obtained Environmental Clearance from SEIAA Bihar vide F. No. SIA/3(a)/449/17 dt. 24.08.2018 with Total Capacity (MS Billet):- 76800 MT/Annum


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